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    2021年04月08日 17:05

肖皓文,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,永利yl23455国际交流与合作中心主任。武汉大学市场营销专业博士毕业,致力于消费者心理与行为领域的研究,研究方向和兴趣包括数智时代下的消费行为、战略品牌管理等。主持海南省自然科学基金项目2项,参与国家级和省级自然科学基金10余项。近年来,在《南开管理评论》、《中国软科学》、《管理科学》、《International Marketing Review》、《International Journal of Hospitality Management》、《Current Psychology》等国内外权威期刊发表论文二十余篇;出版学术专著1部。


2023.06至今       永利yl23455 讲师/硕导/国际交流与合作中心主任

2021.01-2023.06             永利集团管理学院 讲师





硕士: 消费者行为MBA)、海南自贸港品牌战略管理(MBA)、论文写作方法论(MBA



[1] 海南省自然科学基金青年项目:以退为进:身份威胁下自我说服策略的影响、机制及管理逻辑(项目编号:722QN291),2022-04-122025-03-31

[2] 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目:互联网平台背景下游戏化设计对绿色消费行为的双刃剑效应(项目编号: 623RC453),2023-03-012026-02-28


[1] Xiao, H., L, H., Chen, T. et al. How Does Mortality Salience Influences Personal Identity-based Consumption? The Role of Meaning in Life. Current Psychology (2023). (SSCI)

[2] 童泽林, 李国城,肖皓文*,王凯,冯竞丹.游戏化对绿色消费行为的负面溢出效应及应对策略[J].南开管理评论,2023,26(02):27-37. (CSSCI; 国家自科基金委认定A类期刊)

[3] Xiao, H., L, H., Guo, J. et al. Diverging effect of mortality salience on risk taking: the moderating role of time horizon. Current Psychology (2023). (SSCI)

[4] 黄静,许新宇,肖皓文,刘洪亮,廖欢欢.控制感缺失对创造体验型消费意愿的影响研究.南开管理评论. 2023,26(01):239-250. (CSSCI; 国家自科基金委认定A类期刊)

[5] Yu, R.Tong, Z. *, & Xiao, H. (2023). Close or distant? The impacts of robot services and spatial distance on service satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Accept (SSCI)

[6] Tong, Z., Yu, R.*, & Xiao, H. (2023). How should cities communicate? The interaction effect of city stereotypes and advertising language on travel intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 27, 100755. doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2022.100755 (SSCI)

[7] Xiao, H., Li, G., Chen, Y. et al. The time effect on desire for self-improvement products. Current Psychology (2022). (SSCI)

[8] 童泽林,王凯*,肖皓文,周玲,赵芸,孙彦.国家资源集聚能力对品牌跨国慈善行为评价的影响及捐赠框架策略:差序公正视角[J].南开管理评论,2022,25(04):39-47+58+48-49.. (CSSCI; 国家自科基金委认定A类期刊)

[9] Tong, Z., Ma, F*., Xiao, H., Haan, P., Feng, W. How scarcity influences home country consumers’ attitudes toward the firm engaging in cross-border philanthropy? The role of perceived distributive justice. International Marketing Review. 2022. (SSCI; ABS 3)

[10] 黄静,刘洪亮,王正荣,肖皓文,郭浪浪.死亡凸显对高音频声音偏好的影响及作用机制[J].管理科学.2022. 35(1):118-128 ( CSSCI; 国家自科基金委认定A类期刊)

[11] 黄静,苏婕,肖皓文.视频广告呈现速度对消费者新产品评价的影响:整体-细节信息认知的中介作用[J].商业经济与管理, 2022(4): 27-41. (CSSCI)

[12] Xiong, S., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Xiao, H. “I” get license but “we” keep consistent: The role of self-construal in subsequent pro-environmental decision. Current Psychology (2022). (SSCI)

[13] Tong, Z., Xie, Y*., & Xiao, H. (2021). Effect of CSR contribution timing during COVID-19 pandemic on consumers’ prepayment purchase intentions: Evidence from hospitality industry in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 97, 102997. (SSCI; ABS 3)

[14] 黄静,肖皓文,许新宇,林荫.双语品牌名称呈现顺序对消费者品牌评价的影响[J].商业经济与管理,2020(11):63-73. (CSSCI;人大复印报刊资料《市场营销(理论版)20217月全文转载)

[15] 黄静,肖皓文,温振洋,陈彦旭.更进一步还是重新开始?——思维模式对消费者新产品采用的影响[J].中国软科学,2019(12):96-107. (CSSCI; 国家自科基金委认定A类期刊)


肖皓文. 控制感缺失对创造体验型消费的影响研究, 北京:经济科学出版社, 2023年1月,ISBN978-7-5218-4476-4(专著)



Managerial and Decision Economics (SSCI)等学术期刊审稿人


[1] 中国研究生企业管理创新大赛国家一等奖,指导教师(2023)

[2] 第十三届“正大杯”全国老员工市场调查与分析大赛全国三等奖,指导老师(2023)

[3] 永利集团“优秀研究生导师团队”成员(2023);

[4] 永利集团管理学院学院发展奖(2022);永利集团管理学院团队建设奖(2021);

[5] 武汉大学经济与管理学院周南勤奋奖学金(2017)





Haowen Xiao

Email: howe.xiao@hainanu.edu.cn

Haowen Xiao is a lecturer of Marketing at the Hainan University International Business School. He received his PhD in Marketing from Wuhan University. His research interests are in consumer behaviors in the digital environment, Sustainable consumption, and brand management. His research has been published in business and psychology journals including International Marketing Review, International Journal of Hospitality Management, and Current Psychology. Dr. Xiao teaches courses for PhD, MBA, and MSc programmes.

Employment and Education

January 2021 – present, Lecture, International Business School, Hainan University

September 2017 – August 2020, Ph.D. in Marketing, Wuhan University

Research Interests

Consumer behavior in the digital environment

Sustainable consumption

Brand management


Xiao, H., L, H., Chen, T. et al. How Does Mortality Salience Influences Personal Identity-based Consumption? The Role of Meaning in Life. Current Psychology (2023).

Xiao, H., L, H., Guo, J. et al. Diverging effect of mortality salience on risk taking: the moderating role of time horizon. Current Psychology (2023).

Yu, R.Tong, Z. *, & Xiao, H. (2023). Close or distant? The impacts of robot services and spatial distance on service satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Tong, Z., Yu, R.*, & Xiao, H. (2023). How should cities communicate? The interaction effect of city stereotypes and advertising language on travel intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 27, 100755.

Xiao, H., Li, G., Chen, Y. et al. The time effect on desire for self-improvement products. Current Psychology (2022).

Tong, Z., Ma, F*., Xiao, H., Haan, P., Feng, W. How scarcity influences home country consumers’ attitudes toward the firm engaging in cross-border philanthropy? The role of perceived distributive justice. International Marketing Review. 2022.

Xiong, S., Wang, K., Zhang, L., Xiao, H. “I” get license but “we” keep consistent: The role of self-construal in subsequent pro-environmental decision. Current Psychology (2022).

Tong, Z., Xie, Y*., & Xiao, H. (2021). Effect of CSR contribution timing during COVID-19 pandemic on consumers’ prepayment purchase intentions: Evidence from hospitality industry in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 97, 102997.

Under Review & Working Papers

Xiao H., Chen Y., “The impact of zoomorphic design on consumer tolerance of AI robot service failure,” working paper

Xiao H., Zhao C., “The effect of zoomorphic narrator on preferences for sustainable consumption,” working paper

Xiao H., Jiayi Guo*, Xu Y., “How residential mobility influences consumer preferences for self-improvement products,” under review

Jiayi Guo, Xiao H.*, Xu Y., “Assimilating or Differentiating? The effect of residential mobility on consumer risk-taking decision,” under review

Xiao H., Liu H., Xu Y. and Guo Y.*, “Search for self! How residential mobility influences identity-based consumption,” under review

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