    2020年11月15日 16:02

何毅,永利集团教授,博士生/硕士生导师,海南省拔尖人才。2014年6月博士毕业于中国科学技术大学管理科学与工程专业。2017年2月至2018年2月在美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校Jindal管理学院访问交流一年。主持2项国家自然科学基金项目(青年科学基金项目和面上项目)。目前已在 International Journal of Production Research, Transportation Research Part E, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society等SSCI/SCI期刊上发表论文20余篇。现为 TRE, IJPE, IJPR, IEEE TEM等多个SCI/SSCI期刊的审稿人。


2009.09-2014.07    中国科学技术大学  管理科学与工程专业 博士

2004.09-2008.07    南昌大学  信息管理与信息系统专业 学士


2019.05 至今 永利集团 管理学院 教授/博导

2014.09-2019.04   南昌大学 管理学院 讲师/硕导

2017.02-2018.02  美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校   Jindal管理学院 访问学者


1. 全渠道零售

2. 供应链管理




1. 依托永利集团工商管理博士后流动站,常年招收全职博士后(物流与供应链管理方向)

2. 招收工商管理专业博士生(物流与供应链管理方向)

3. 招收管理科学与工程和企业管理等专业的硕士研究生




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71872075,全渠道环境下企业零售模式与运营策略研究,2019/01-2022/12,49万元,在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,71502076,基于流行品供应链的两阶段定价与广告契约研究,2016/01-2018/12,19.28万元,已结题,主持。

3. 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,720RC568,考虑消费者异质性的新零售模式实施策略研究,2020/12-2023/12,7万元,在研,主持。

4. 江西省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,20151BAB211005,基于微分博弈的供应链质量管理研究,2015/01-2017/12,5万元,已结题,主持。


[1] Xu Qingyun, & He Yi*. (2021) Optimal information disclosure strategies for a retail platform in the blockchain technology era. International Journal of Production Research. Published Online.

[2] He Yi, Lidong Chen, & Qingyun Xu*. (2021) Optimal pricing decision for a global fresh product supply chain in the blockchain technology era. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. Published Online.

[3] Guo Qiang, He Li, & He Yi*. (2021) Omnichannel service operations with order-online-and-dine-in-store strategy. Managerial and Decision Economics. Published Online.

[4] Zhang Wen, He Yi*, Gou Qinglong, & Yang Weizhe. (2021) Optimal advance selling strategy with information provision for omni-channel retailers. Annals of Operations Research. Published Online.

[5] He Yi, Xu Qingyun*, & Shao Zhen. (2021) “Ship-from-Store” strategy in platform retailing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 145,102153.

[6] Ullah Azmat, Ayat Muhammad, He Yi*, Huang Wenpo, & Jiang Wei. (2021) Game theoretic models for warranty and post-warranty maintenance with risk-averse service providers. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28 (5): 541-562.

[7] Xu Qingyun, Shao Zhen*, & He Yi. (2021) Effect of the buy‐online‐and‐pickup‐in‐store option on pricing and ordering decisions during online shopping carnivals. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28 (5): 2496-2517.

[8] He Yi, Xu Qingyun, & Wu Pengkun*. (2020) Omnichannel retail operations with refurbished consumer returns. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1): 271-290.

[9] Cao Kaiying, Xu Bing, He Yi*, & Xu Qingyun. (2020) Optimal carbon reduction level and ordering quantity under financial constraints. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(5):2270-2293.

[10] Yan Guilan, & He Yi*. (2020) Coordinating pricing and advertising in a two-period fashion supply chain. 4OR- A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 18: 419-438.

[11] Xu, Qingyun, Shao Zhen*, & He Yi. (2020) Optimal delivery strategies for packing box recycling in online platforms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 276, 124273.

[12] Zhang Wen, & He Yi*. (2020) Optimal advance selling discount strategy with future-oriented consumers. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(3): 308-320.

[13] 何毅,李江涛*,杨列勋,刘作仪 (2020)管理科学部2019年度基金资助项目绩效评估分析,管理学报,17(11): 1606-1610.

[14] He Yi, Wang Hang, Guo Qiang* & Xu Qingyun (2019) Coordination through cooperative advertising in a two-period consumer electronics supply chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50,179-188.

[15] Zhang Wen, & He Yi*. (2019) Optimal policies for new and remanufactured short life-cycle products considering consumer behavior. Journal of Cleaner Production, 214, 483-505.

[16] Xu Qingyun, Xu Bing, & He Yi* (2019) Channel coordination through quality improvement with brand halo effect. RAIRO-Operations Research, 53(4),1407-1425.

[17] Zhang Juzhi, Xu Qingyun, & He Yi* (2018) Omnichannel retail operations with consumer return and order cancellation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 118, 308-324.

[18] Xu Qingyun, Xu Bing, Wang Ping, & He Yi* (2018) Bundling strategies for complementary products in a horizontal supply chain. Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences, 47(6): 1158~1177.

[19] Cao Kaiying, Bo Qiushi, & He Yi* (2018) Optimal Trade-in and Third-Party Collection Authorization Strategies under Trade-in Subsidy Policy. Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences, 47(5): 854~872.

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