    2023年10月19日 09:17



2023.10--至今          永利yl23455管理科学与工程系   副教授/硕导

2021.01--2023.09    河北工业大学经济管理学院工业工程系    副教授/硕导

2018.03--2020.12    河北工业大学经济管理学院工业工程系    讲师/硕导  


2015.01--2018.01  天津大学管理与经济学部管理科学与工程专业  管理学博士

2015.07--2017.07  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校商学院市场营销专业  联合培养博士

2012.09--2014.12  天津大学管理与经济学部系统工程专业         工学硕士

2008.09--2012.06   河北科技大学理学院数学与应用数学专业     理学学士







    1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71801078,基于环境社会责任的企业产品创新与定价策略,2019.01--2021.12,主持,已结题

    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71971076,多维度信息更新的电商供应链优化和协调研究,2020.01--2023.12,主要参与人


1. 刘国伟, Zhang J*, Tang W. Strategic transfer pricing in a marketing–operations interface with quality level and advertising dependent goodwill. Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 2015, 56: 1-15. (ABS 3, SCI一区, SSCI)

2. 刘国伟, Sethi S P, Zhang J*. Myopic vs. far-sighted behaviors in a revenue-sharing supply chain with reference quality effects. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(5): 1334-1357. (ABS 3, SCI二区)

3. 刘国伟, Zhang J*, Tang W. Joint dynamic pricing and investment strategy for perishable foods with price-quality dependent demand. Annals of Operations Research, 2015, 226(1): 397-416. (ABS 3, SCI三区)

4. 刘国伟, Yang H, Dai R*. Which contract is more effective in improving product greenness under different power structures: Revenue sharing or cost sharing? Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020, 148, 106701. (ABS 2, SCI二区)

5. 刘国伟, Cao H, Zhu G*. Competitive pricing and innovation investment strategies of green products considering firm’s farsightedness and myopia, International Transactions in Operational Research, 2021, 28(2):839-871. (ABS 1, SCI三区, SSCI)

6. Lu F, Tang W, 刘国伟*, Zhang J. Cooperative advertising: A way escaping from the prisoner’s dilemma in a supply chain with sticky price. Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 2019, 86: 87-106. (ABS 3, SCI一区, SSCI)

7. Liu Y, Zhang J, Zhang S, 刘国伟*. Prisoner's dilemma on behavioral choices in the presence of sticky prices: Farsightedness vs. myopia. International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 191:128-142. (ABS 3, SCI二区)

8. Zhang J, Wei Q, 刘国伟*, Tang W. A supplier switching model with the competitive reactions and economies of scale effects. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017, 47(11):2831-2843. (ABS 3, SCI二区)

9. Ji X, Guan B, 刘国伟*. Centralized selection of standardized modular containers: A multi-criteria method considering freight behavior and shipper segment, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2021, 121(4): 770-784. (ABS 2, SCI三区)

10. Zhang J, 刘国伟, Zhang Q*, Tang W. Coordinating a supply chain for deteriorating items with a revenue sharing and cooperative investment contract. Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 2015, 56: 37-49. (ABS 3, SCI一区, SSCI)

11. Lu F, 刘国伟, Zhang J*, Tang W. Benefits of partial myopia in a durable product supply chain considering pricing and advertising. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(10): 1309-1324. (ABS 3, SCI四区, SSCI)

12. 吕珊珊,郭梦瑾,刘国伟*,考虑免费延保的双渠道供应链的定价策略和利润分析,系统工程学报,2023,待出版 (国家自然科学基金委管理科学部A类)





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