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    2024年08月28日 10:06



吴海涛,经济学博士,永利yl23455副研究员(高聘),毕业于北京理工大学,研究涉及宏观经济学、商业经济学与可持续发展,入选全球Top 200青年经济学者与Top 10 % 经济学者(RePEc/IDEAS数据库)、全球高被引学者与高被引青年学者(经济学学科,Scilit发布)、全球Top 2%顶尖科学家终身科学影响力榜单和年度科学影响力榜单(斯坦福大学与Elsevier 联合发布),获得Energy Economics最佳论文奖、Wiley年度高下载量作者奖。目前,其在Journal of Business EthicsEnvironmental and Resource EconomicsThe Energy Journal以及Ecological Economics等著名期刊发表学术论文100余篇,SCI/SSCI检索论文超过100篇,40余篇文章入选ESI高被引/热点论文,以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI检索论文70余篇,在 ABS/AJG 三星级及以上期刊发表论文30篇(二星级及以上期刊60余篇),担任国际学术期刊Green Finance (JCR一区,IF=5.5) 编委、Journal of Economic Analysis编辑(Managing Editor)以及Journal of Information Economics主编(Editor in Chief)。根据谷歌学术(Google Scholar),目前其所发表论文被引超过12000次,H指数54,单篇论文最高被引超过720次。Web of Science统计,其第一学科分类为商业与经济学(Business & Economics),累计为 Journal of Business Ethics 60 余本 SCI/SSCI 期刊匿名评审论文超过300篇。


[1] Wu, H., Luo, S., Li, S., Xue, Y., & Hao, Y. (2024). Fostering Urban Inclusive Green Growth: Does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Matter?. Journal of Business Ethics, 189(4), 677-698. (SSCI,FT 50, ABS/AJG三星,第一作者,IF=5.9,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[2] Wu, H., Zhong, R., Wang, Z., Qu, Y., Yang, X., & Hao, Y. (2024). How does industrial intellectualization affect energy intensity? Evidence from China. The Energy Journal, 45(2). 27-48(SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,第一作者,国际能源经济协会旗舰期刊,IF=1.9,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[3] Wu H, Wang Z, Zhong R, Qu Y ,Hao Y.(2024). The road to eliminating energy poverty: Does renewable energy technology innovation work?". The Energy Journal, 45(6) 177–201. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,第一作者,国际能源经济协会旗舰期刊,IF=1.9,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[4] Ren, S., Hao, Y., & Wu, H. (2022). How does green investment affect environmental pollution? Evidence from China. Environmental and Resource Economics, 81, 25-51. (SSCI/SCI,ABS/AJG三星,欧洲环境与资源经济学家协会官方期刊,IF=3.2,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[5] Yang, C., Wu, H., Guo, Y., & Hao, Y. (2024). Possible carbon circular pathway exploration for oil transition under the consideration of energy supply constraint and uncertainty. Ecological Economics, 222, 108224. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,国际生态经济学学会会刊,IF=6.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[6] Hao X., Miao E., Wen S., Wu H., Xue Y. (2025). Executive green cognition on corporate greenwashing behavior: Evidence from A-share listed companies in China.  Business Strategy and the Environment. in press (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者IF=12.5,ESI经济与商业领域期刊

[7] Ren, S., Li, L., Han, Y., Hao, Y., & Wu, H. (2022). The emerging driving force of inclusive green growth: Does digital economy agglomeration work?. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(4), 1656-1678. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者IF=12.5,ESI经济与商业领域期刊

[8] Chai, J., Hao, Y., Wu, H., & Yang, Y. (2021). Do constraints created by economic growth targets benefit sustainable development? Evidence from China. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(8), 4188-4205. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者IF=12.5,ESI经济与商业领域期刊

[9] Hao, Y., Huang, J., Guo, Y., Wu, H., & Ren, S. (2022). Does the legacy of state planning put pressure on ecological efficiency? Evidence from China. Business strategy and the environment, 31(7), 3100-3121. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者IF=12.5,ESI经济与商业领域期刊

[10] Hao, X., Wen, S., Zhu, J., Wu, H., & Hao, Y. (2024). Can business managerial capacity improve green innovation in different industries? Evidence from Chinese listed companies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(3), 2600-2620.(SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者IF=12.5,ESI经济与商业领域期刊

[11] Hao, Y., Guo, Y., & Wu, H. (2022). The role of information and communication technology on green total factor energy efficiency: Does environmental regulation work?. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(1), 403-424. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者IF=12.5,ESI经济与商业领域期刊

[12] Luo, S., Yimamu, N., Li, Y., Wu, H., Irfan, M., & Hao, Y. (2023). Digitalization and sustainable development: How could digital economy development improve green innovation in China?. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(4), 1847-1871. (SSCI,ABS/AJG 三星,ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)

[13] Li, Z., Bai, T., Qian, J., & Wu, H. (2024). The digital revolution's environmental paradox: Exploring the synergistic effects of pollution and carbon reduction via industrial metamorphosis and displacement. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 206, 123528. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者,IF=12.9,ESI社会科学领域期刊)

[14] Hao, Y., Zhang, Z. Y., Yang, C., & Wu, H. (2021). Does structural labor change affect CO2 emissions? Theoretical and empirical evidence from China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171, 120936. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星, IF=12.9 ESI 社会科学领域期刊)

[15] Shen, Z., Wu, H., Bai, K., & Hao, Y. (2022). Integrating economic, environmental and societal performance within the productivity measurement. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 176, 121463. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星, IF=12.9 ESI 社会科学领域期刊)

[16] Chai, J., Wu, H., & Hao, Y. (2022). Planned economic growth and controlled energy demand: How do regional growth targets affect energy consumption in China?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122068. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星, IF=12.9 ESI 社会科学领域期刊)

[17] Luo, S., Yu, M., Dong, Y., Hao, Y., Li, C., & Wu, H. (2024). Toward urban high-quality
development: Evidence from more intelligent Chinese cities. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, 200, 123108. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星, ESI 社会科学领域期刊)

[18] Guo, Y., Li, Y., Wu, H., & Hao, Y. (2023). Carbon emission trading under the wings of black swans and green swans: Evidence from China. International Journal of Finance & Economics. in press SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,IF=2.8,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[19] Wu H, Hao Y, Ren S. “How do environmental regulation and environmental decentralization affect green total factor energy efficiency: Evidence from China.” Energy Economics (2020), 104880.(SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,第一作者,IF=13.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[20] Wu, H., Xue, Y., Hao, Y., & Ren, S. (2021). How does internet development affect energy-saving and emission reduction? Evidence from China. Energy Economics, 103, 105577. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,第一作者,IF=13.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[21] Wu, H., Wang, B., Lu, M., Irfan, M., Miao, X., Luo, S., & Hao, Y. (2023). The strategy to achieve zerocarbon in agricultural sector: Does digitalization matter under the background of COP26 targets?. Energy Economics, 126, 106916. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星,第一作者, IF=13.6ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)

[22] Ren, S., Hao, Y., Xu, L., Wu, H., & Ba, N. (2021). Digitalization and energy: How does internet development affect China's energy consumption?. Energy Economics, 98, 105220. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者,IF=13.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[23] Tao, Y., Wang, D., Ye, Y., Wu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The role of public environmental concern on corporate social responsibility: Evidence from search index of web users. Energy Economics, 107041. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者,IF=13.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[24] Wang, W., Wang, J., Ye, H., & Wu, H. (2024). Polluted air, smarter factories? China's robot imports shed light on a potential link. Energy Economics, 134, 107621. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者,IF=13.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[25] Pan, J., Du, L., Wu, H., & Liu, X. (2024). Does environmental law enforcement supervision improve corporate carbon reduction performance? Evidence from environmental protection interview. Energy Economics, 107441. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星,通讯作者, IF=13.6 ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)

[26] Wang, W., Xiao, D., Wang, J., & Wu, H. (2024). The cost of pollution in the digital era: Impediments of air pollution on enterprise digital transformation. Energy Economics, 134, 107575. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星, 通讯作者, IF=13.6 ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)

[27] Wang, W., Wang, J., Ye, H., & Wu, H. (2024). Polluted air, smarter factories? China's robot imports shed light on a potential link. Energy Economics, 134, 107621. SSCI ABS/AJG 三星,通讯作者,IF=13.6ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)

[28] Hao, X., Sun, Q., Li, K., Li, P., & Wu, H. (2024). Does environmental decentralisation improve ESG performance? Evidence from listed companies in China. Energy Economics, 139, 107932. (SSCI,ABS/AJG三星,通讯作者,IF=13.6,ESI经济与商业领域期刊)

[29] Wang, J., Wang, W., Wu, H., & Liu, Y. (2023). Exploring the effects of manufacturing servitization on enterprise energy conservation and emissions reduction moderated by digital transformation. Energy Economics, 122, 106706. SSCIABS/AJG 三星, IF=13.6 ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)

[30] Tang, C., Xu, Y., Hao, Y., Wu, H., & Xue, Y. (2021). What is the role of telecommunications infrastructure construction in green technology innovation? A firm-level analysis for China. Energy Economics, 103, 105576. SSCIABS/AJG 三星, IF=13.6 ESI 经济与商业领域期刊)


[1] ORCIDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-5592-7212

[2] 谷歌学术https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1MR66EoAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

[3] Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Haitao-Wu-23

[4] Web of Sciencehttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/AAJ-8498-2021

[5] Scopus:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58527064600


[1] 全球Top 200青年经济学者(2023年起连续两年入选)


[2] 全球Top 10% 经济学者(2023年起连续两年入选)


[3] 全球高被引学者(2023年起连续两年入选):


[4] 全球高被引青年学者(2023年起连续两年入选)


[5] 全球Top 2%顶尖科学家终身科学影响力榜单(2024年起入选)


[6] 全球Top 2%顶尖科学家年度科学影响力榜单(2023年起连续两年入选)


[7] Energy Economics 期刊最佳论文奖:2022年10月入选

[8] Wiley年度高下载量作者奖:2024年4月入选


[1] Green Finance (Editorial Member,编委) (ESCI, IF=5.5, 2022-)


[2] Journal of Economic AnalysisManaging Editor, 总编,2022-


[3] Journal of Information EconomicsEditor in Chief, 主编,2023-)


主要期刊评审人 Web of Science统计)                                                          

[1] Journal of Business Ethics(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3,FT50)

[2] Regional Studies(SSCI,ABS/AJG 4)

[3] Risk Analysis(SSCI,ABS/AJG 4)

[4] Environmental and Resource Economics(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[5] Ecological Economics(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[6] Energy Economics(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[7] Global Environmental Change(SCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[8] IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[9] R&D Management(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[10] International Journal of Finance & Economics(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[11] Business Strategy and the Environment(SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)

[12] Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI,ABS/AJG 3)


[1] 参与国家社会科学基金重大项目:数字经济推动社会主义生产、生活以及生态和谐共生研究。(22ZDA107)

[2] 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:产业集聚与互联网发展对中国环境污染的影响:基于工业企业与地级市匹配数据的研究。(72073010)


Email: haitao.kungfuer@gmail.com; haitao.kungfuer@hainanu.edu.cn

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